Yves worked as a senior researcher in political science at KULeuven and the University of Antwerp and as a guest professor at several other universities in Belgium and France. He was also a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford (UK).

    As a scholar, he published in major international journals on participation in politics, citizenship, elections and on information processing of elite politicians. From 2018 to 2020 he was the coordinator of the Belgian G1000 organization, a think tank with expertise in the use of sortition and deliberative democracy.

    He has acted as an expert amongst others for the European Court of Auditors, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and a number of local, regional and national governments.




    In her binational doctoral thesis in political science (JLU Giessen and University of Paris 8), Nabila Abbas examined various participatory models of democracy called for by Tunisian activists during the 2011 Arab revolts. Based on this, she has been working on the analysis of democratic innovations, more specifically citizens' assemblies and councils.

    For the European Horizon 2020 research project "Phoenix - the rise of citizens for a greener Europe", she created a database providing an overview of the characteristics of the many different forms of citizen participation in Europe and conducted an in-depth analysis of a series of case studies such as climate citizen assemblies in Ireland or public debates in France. She has taught classes on deliberative democracy and citizen participation at the Universities of Sciences Po Paris, Sciences Po Rennes, Paris Est-Créteil, Paris 8 and RWTH Aachen.




    FIDE - Europe & North America

    He holds a BA in Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Santiago. Started his professional career at Eurocities, where he collaborated in the development of its citizens’ engagement principles and organized cooperation events for cities and municipalities across Europe.

    Currently, he is studying a MA in Degrowth as a part-time student at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. At FIDE, he is responsible for the capacity-building and advocacy events, as well as the communications efforts to promote deliberative democracy.



    FIDE - Europe

    He has designed and operated several of newDemocracy's major citizens’ assembly projects, including for the ACT Government, Local Government Victoria, Western Sydney University, and the City of Sydney.

    He has also worked with international partners to design democratic innovations in Brazil, Malawi, Spain and more. He is an Executive Board Member of the Federation for Innovation in Democracy - Europe, and a member of Australia’s Open Government Forum. He has also co-authored the United Nations Democracy Fund handbook Enabling National Initiatives to Take Democracy Beyond Elections, and the recently published book The A, B & C of Democracy.




    Hanna Sára Kádár comes from documentary filmmaking, with experience in event organization and project management from various film festivals and international workshops. Her first encounter with deliberative processes was during a demonstration when the students and faculty of her university decided to occupy the school, protesting against taking away the authority of higher education in Hungary. As one of the protesters, she lived in the school for 2 months. The operation followed a direct democratic system, with forums held every day. This experience made her a firm believer in involving citizens in decision-making.

    As a project and event assistant at FIDE, she helps organize capacity-building events, takes part in communication, and creates audio-visual content.



Executive Board

  • Min Reuchamps

    Min Reuchamps


    Professor of Political Science, UCL

  • Gaetane Ricard-Nihoul

    Gaetane Ricard-Nihoul

    Deputy Head of Unit, DG COMM

    European Commission

  • Eva Bordos

    Eva Bordos



  • Luca Belgiorno-Nettis

    Luca Belgiorno-Nettis


    Founder, newDemocracy Foundation

  • Hannu-Pekka Ikäheimo

    Hannu-Pekka Ikäheimo

    Project Director, New forms of participation


Advisory Board

  • Lise Deshautel is a political advisor with more than ten years’ experience in EU and national policy-making, political campaigning and capacity building for citizen participation in climate policies in Europe. A former advisor to the chair of the French Climate Assembly, she co-founded the Knowledge network on climate assemblies (KNOCA) supported by the European Climate Foundation. She currently serves as an advisor to the president a major local authority in France.

  • Co-founder of Deliberativa, an association created in 2020 that promotes deliberative democracy and accompanies institutions and organisations in the design and implementation of deliberative processes. She has worked on Citizens' Assemblies and Citizens' Panels at European level, and at different institutional levels in Spain (Basque Country, Catalonia, Valencia or Cantabria).

    Co-author with Ernesto Ganuza of the book "La democracia es posible. Sorteo cívico y deliberación para rescatar el poder de la ciudadanía" (2020, Ed. Consonni).

    She is part of the main international networks in the field, and has co-created Delib, the Iberian Network of organisations and individuals who promote and foster deliberative democracy.

    Before dedicating her profesional life to deliberation, she used to work in arts management. She was selected by the British Council in 2009 to represent Spain in a programme on International Cultural Leaders.

    Graduate in Political Science from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux (France). She holds a Master's degree in Arts Management from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

    She lives in Bilbao.

  • Damir Kapidžić is an Associate Professor at the University of Sarajevo and a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University. His research examines how democratic and authoritarian politics are institutionalized in the context of ethnic conflict, power-sharing, and democratic innovations. He has advised several deliberative processes and citizens’ assemblies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, all of them in a post-conflict context with substantial elements of demographic diversity. He is a consultant on deliberative processes for the Council of Europe, a member of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group, and editor of the book Illiberal Politics in Southeast Europe (2022).

  • She is the professorial Chair of Global Affairs at the EUI School of Transnational Governance in Florence and Emeritus professor at Oxford University. She chairs the Programmes on Transnational Democracy and Global Peace Tech, and convenes the EUI inter-disciplinary cluster on Transnational democracy in the 21st century including the EUI Democracy Forum.

    She has been working for three decades on the ebb and flow of European democracy, focussing on the potential for horizontal trans-national engagement between peoples and political cultures as ‘demoi-cratic deliberation’. She participated in the COFE citizens’ panels as expert advisor and explores the use of immersive debating and teaching through the ”theater of recognition” to stimulate social imaginaries of participatory democracy (see play “Waiting for the Citizens”). Her last books are: A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law - Why We Need to Fight for the Most Precious Human Inventions of All Time (with Adis Merdzanovic, 2021) and Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit (2019).

    Her website:

  • Jane Suiter is a Professor in the School of Communications, at Dublin City University. Her research focus is on the information environment in the public sphere and in particular on scaling up deliberation and tackling disinformation.

    Jane is Director of DCU's Institute for Future Media, Democracy and Society and is PI on H2020 ICT28 Provenance, a multimillion interdisciplinary project to combat disinformation She is also leading a new project on countering COVID-19 disinformation and the potential role of deliberation.

    She has been involved with all the Irish deliberative processes as a member of the expert advisory group (CA 2022; Irish Constitutional Convention 2012-2014); as the Senior Research Fellow on the Irish Citizens' Assembly on gender equality (2020-21) and as co-PI on the Irish Citizen Assembly (2016-2018) and as a founder member of We the Citizens (2011), Ireland’s first deliberative experiment. She is a member of the OECD's FutureDemocracy network.

  • Graham Smith is Professor of Politics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster.

    He is the Chair of KNOCA and Chair of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development.

    Graham is an international expert on climate assemblies and was recognised by Apolitical as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Academics in Government.

    He is the author of ‘Can Democracy Safeguard the Future?’

  • Yves Sintomer is a professor of political science, co-director of the master's in political science and member of the president’s board at Paris 8 University. He is Honorary Senior fellow at the French University Institute, one of the most prestigious French institutions, has an honorary degree (doctorat honoris causa), Liège University (Belgium), and is Associate member at Nuffield College, Oxford, Neuchâtel University (Switzerland) and Université Libre de Bruxelles.

    He has been invited as a scholar or professor at prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, University College London, Tsinghua University and Peking University, Science Po Paris, Frankfurt University and Berlin Humbolt University, and Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

    His most recent book is The Government of Chance. Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present, Cambridge University Press, 2023. He has written on participatory and deliberative democracy, political representation, and German and French sociology. His writings have been published in 20 languages.

  • Historian and writer, David initiated the 2011 Citizen Summit. He is the author of the manifesto "Against Elections". He was involved in the creation of the Citizen Dialogue in the German-speaking Community and other assemblies in Europe. His creativity and expertise drive the G1000's work as Managing director.

  • Dominik Hierlemann is a Senior Expert on citizen participation and European democracy at the Bertelsmann Stiftung and head of the project “Democracy and Participation in Europe”. He has been responsible for several pioneering citizen participation projects both in Germany and at the European level. He has set up the “Conference Observatory” and co-authored the recently published book “Under Construction: Citizen Participation in the European Union”.

  • Zakia Elvang is working from Copenhagen where she is the founder of and partner in the Danish consulting agency, We Do Democracy and leading the NGO and democracy innovation house in Copenhagen - Demokrati Garage.

    Zakia is one of the main characters behind the growing Danish deliberative movement also in the role of moderating and leading several citizens’ assemblies. She has been the initiator of numerous democratic initiatives like the democracy fitness programme and the platform for democracy festivals in Europe. Zakia is one of the founders of the Latvian democracy festival and is helping democracy festival organisers from all over the world build their own festivals.

  • Nenad Stojanović is a professor of political science at the University of Geneva and a senior research fellow at the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau / University of Zurich.

    Since 2019, he has organised or been involved in a dozen of citizens' assemblies in Switzerland (see and leads the Swiss Research Centre on Democratic Innovations in Autumn 2024.

  • Teele Pehk is a deliberative democracy artist at the DD Center for Developing Democracy (based in Tartu, Estonia). She has introduced climate assemblies in Estonia to enrich decisionmaking around the environmental challenges of today. With three deliberative mini-publics in recent three years, Teele, along with her team, tries to integrate deliberative democracy into the ecosystem of an open society.

    She is an experienced open governance advocate who has more than 15 years of experience from civil society and public sector. She is an active member in the global Open Government Partnership, Democracy R&D network as well as the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA).

  • Yale University, Author of “Open Democracy. Reinventing popular rule for the 21st Century”

  • Manuel Arriaga is a professor at New York University, having previously served on the faculty of the University of Cambridge. Manuel is the author of "Rebooting Democracy: A Citizen's Guide to Reinventing Democracy" (2014) and a co-founder of Fórum dos Cidadãos, the leading organization in Portugal in the field of citizen deliberation. Additionally, Manuel has served on the board of directors of the Policy Jury Group and Europe's People's Forum as well as a member of the Expert Advisory Group for the OECD's Evaluation Guidelines for Representative Deliberative Processes.

  • Deputy Head of Unit, DG COMM

    European Commission

  • Arild Ohren is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at NTNU, Norway. He is one of the leading researchers on deliberative mini-publics and democratic innovations in Norway and is one of the authors of the Norwegian handbook on how to conduct a deliberative mini-public.

    Arild has had the role of designer, organizer, and advisor in multiple deliberative mini-publics in Norway. This includes, the two citizens’ panels in Trondheim called “Trondheimspanelet” and “Borgerkraft”, two citizens’ panels in Oslo, a youth panel, called “Ungt Borgerpanel”, in Stavanger, and a permanent citizens’ panel in Røros. In addition, Arild is a member of the OECD Innovative Citizen Participation Network, and he is part of the research cluster on «Democratic Representation» led by Mark Warren, in the second phase of the research project «Participedia» funded by SSHRC, Canada. In addition, he is part of the DEMOVATE-project funded by the Research Council of Norway, and a member of the research group Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development at NTNU.

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