In the spring of 2023, more than 50 participants gathered in Milan for a 2-day-long intensive learning experience. Policy-makers, civil servants and practitioners delved into the ins and outs of Climate Citizens' Assemblies. The programme combined presentations from cases across Europe and group work fostering participants' experiences and knowledge. The event was organised by KNOCA and FIDE, in partnership with the Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and the City of Milan.

The far-reaching climate plans adopted in Europe at all levels of government are often portrayed as a technical domain. However, climate policies entail diverse sets of consequences in the social and political arenas. The legitimacy of these strategic and long-lasting decisions requires greater societal deliberation. The growing number of Climate Citizen's Assemblies across Europe is an attempt to fulfil the need to include the public in the discussion. This addresses the need to engage younger and future generations, overcome short-termism and increase trust in political institutions. Given the transnational nature of environmental issues, the school serves to strengthen the network of professionals and practitioners working in the field of deliberative democracy and climate across Europe.

During the 2 days, leading experts in the field of Deliberative Democracy shared their experiences from real-life climate assemblies. Their sessions broke down the different elements of the design, implementation and follow-up of these deliberative processes. How do you frame the question? What governance structures should you consider to ensure a robust process? How to ensure the integration of the assembly into ongoing policy processes? How to select and present complex evidence to participants? These are just some among many other relevant considerations to ensure an impactful deliberative process.




School’s resources

On this page, you can find information about one of FIDE's deliberative schools. A capacity-building event aiming to develop the necessary democratic skills in our institutions and civil society. Capacity-building is one of the three main pillars of FIDE's activities. We are a network of democratic innovators working to advance citizens' role in policy-making. If you want to learn more about our other schools and events, click here.

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