Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies

Reassembling Democracy

Imagine randomly selected citizens having a permanent seat at the decision-making table—a body that persists, rotates members, and increases citizens' voice in public institutions. As the current democratic model fragments, we are reassembling it into a more resilient system.

Cities and regions throughout Europe—such as East Belgium, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen and Milan—have led the way in establishing Permanent Assemblies. Building new institutions takes time and continuous refinement. That’s why we’re working closely with early adopters to help this model flourish wherever it takes root.

"Permanent assemblies are part of the next wave of development of climate citizens’ assemblies. They respond to many of the weaknesses we have experienced with ad-hoc assemblies."




May 8–9, in Brussels

Join cities and regions preparing to implement permanent or ongoing models of citizen deliberation. In this knowledge exchange workshop, you will meet with Permanent Assemblies pioneers and experts to develop your own practical implementation.

Download the programme here.

In partnership with the European Climate Foundation and KNOCA.